New Site Features
- Enhanced User Experience
- Improved search functionality
- Expanded Catalog
- Improved Product Display and Details
- “Quotes" System
- Building a Quote
- Save Quotes or Carts
- Manage Existing Quotes
- Print Saved Quotes
- Submit for Pricing Review
- “ISBN QuickLoad" Feature
- Upload lists of ISBNs into your Cart
- Upload lists of ISBNs into a Quote
- Improved search functionality
- Higher level of accuracy for search results
- Added ability to facet/filter to help narrow down search results
- Browsing by Product Type or Category via Sub-Menus
- “Add to Cart" option from Search Results page

- Expanded catalog, now containing more than 15 million items
- Improved product display and details
- Greater item detail provided for all products
- Conditional formatting to highlight important item data (such as bold/red font for non-English language books, uncommon formats (eBooks, Large Print, etc.) and unavailable titles such as “Out of print"
*Note: Leaving all “Product Line" options unchecked under main the search bar will default to search all products

- “Quotes" System (also may be used for Saved Carts)
- Allows users to save carts or quotes to be submitted to our sales team for pricing/review
*Note: Quote may be Named and/or Noted at this stage or within the “Manage Quotes" window

Building a Quote – Option #2 –Upload to Quote with “ISBN QuickLoad"

Saved Quotes/Carts are viewable under “Manage Quotes" on your account:

“Manage Quotes" brings you to a listing of any saved, pending or processed quotes for your account:

While in the “Manage Quotes" window there are multiple options for handling your pending or completed quotes, all accessibly by clicking on the “Quote Name" in order to open and review the quote:
- Edit Quote
- Available for “In Process Quotes" only; In Process Quotes may be edited by the user prior to that quote being submitted for review. Once submitted for review the quote will be locked until our Admin team has had a chance to review it and respond. “Edit Quote" allows you to:
- Add/remove items
- Update quantity
- Add notes
- Submit for review (submission note required)
- Modify Quote
- Available for “Accepted Quotes" only; allows the user to modify an Accepted Quote however the newly modified Quote will need to be resubmitted for pricing review prior to being able to checkout
- Duplicate Quote
- This function allows users to save a new copy of the quote, eliminating the need to manually search and add the items to the cart again, in the event of a reorder
- Print Quote
- “Print Quote" allows users to print a PDF of the quote, for uses such as:
- Saving a copy for your records
- Submitting to your admin team for approval
- Send To Cart
- “Send To Cart" will send the saved items to the cart, in the event you do not need a pricing review and simply want to check out with your save cart/quote
- Archive Quote
- Closes the Quote and moves it to the “Archived Quotes" section of the Quotes page
*Note: Items will be re-priced according to current pricing when sent to the cart

You may also utilize our quote system for specialty items such as kits/bundled items, items not currently on the site, etc.
*Stop buying items one at a time – use ISBN QuickLoad to import bulk item lists to your cart!*
- “ISBN QuickLoad" functionality allows ISBNs to be pasted and imported to a cart or quote for faster ordering
- Title and quantity are optional on the ISBN Upload
- Items that are not available within our catalog are unable to be added to a Cart however they may be added to a Quote to then be submitted to our Admin team for review.
- Currently duplicate ISBNs will be ignored within the same QuickLoad, please only paste unique ISBNs within each QuickLoad

ISBN #9781531865320 was successfully added to the cart while 9781111111111 failed to add due to it not being in our database; if all items are successful you will be taken straight to your cart, and if not a list of any failed items will be displayed for your reference (Please note: Currently this function ignores duplicate ISBNs within the same list – please combine quantities for any duplicate item lines):

The site correctly loaded 50 copies to the shopping cart:

If you are unsure whether or not the items are in the database you may “Create quote of all items," which will load any non-database items into the quote with “Contact for Pricing" shown; these may be submitted to our Admin team through “Manage Quotes" to be reviewed and priced if available: