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Teach Like a Champion 3.0: 63 Techniques That Put Students on the Path to College

AUTHOR Lemov, Doug
PUBLISHER Jossey-Bass (09/15/2021)
PRODUCT TYPE Paperback (Paperback)


Teach Like a Champion 3.0 will serve teachers and educational leaders with updated classroom management techniques, an expanded collection of videos, and an increased emphasis on the cognitive science that supports the Teach Like a Champion techniques. New techniques will include the critical importance of building background knowledge, the power of retrieval practice to build long-term memory, and the connection between curriculum content and teaching. The third edition will also draw on almost ten years of 'virtuous cycle' thanks to the smart teachers in the U.S. and around the worldwho have applied and improved on the original book's ideas.

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Product Format
Product Details
ISBN-13: 9781119712619
ISBN-10: 1119712610
Binding: Paperback or Softback (Trade Paperback (Us))
Content Language: English
Edition Number: 0003
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Page Count: 560
Carton Quantity: 16
Product Dimensions: 7.40 x 1.30 x 9.10 inches
Weight: 1.75 pound(s)
Feature Codes: Index, Price on Product, Illustrated
Country of Origin: US
Subject Information
BISAC Categories
Education | Teaching - General
Education | Classroom Management
Education | Professional Development
Dewey Decimal: 371.3
Descriptions, Reviews, Etc.
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The international bestseller that transforms educators into teaching champions!

Teach Like a Champion 3.0 is the revised, expanded, and up-to-date revision of Doug Lemov's study of the craft of teaching. Upon studying videos of high-performing teachers, Lemov distills their methods into concrete tangible actions for others to use and adapt. Many of the techniques he describes are now part of the lingua franca of teaching, but here Lemov adds the results of his last five years of study, including new depth and detail to existing techniques and the addition of more than ten new techniques.

Through the techniques, Lemov explains how to Check for Understanding, raise academic expectations, increase the ratio of the cognitive work students do, motivate and engage students, make classrooms more writing-intensive, improve discussions, and anticipate when it is necessary to redirect student behavior so it is positive and productive.

In this edition, Lemov adds extensive discussions of research connecting the techniques more explicitly to cognitive and social sciences. He also updates his discussion based on extensive reflections on issues in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. These additions will help teachers to be clear on the why and the how behind their teaching decisions.

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publisher marketing

Teach Like a Champion 3.0 will serve teachers and educational leaders with updated classroom management techniques, an expanded collection of videos, and an increased emphasis on the cognitive science that supports the Teach Like a Champion techniques. New techniques will include the critical importance of building background knowledge, the power of retrieval practice to build long-term memory, and the connection between curriculum content and teaching. The third edition will also draw on almost ten years of 'virtuous cycle' thanks to the smart teachers in the U.S. and around the worldwho have applied and improved on the original book's ideas.

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