- Federal motor carrier safety, modifying the compliance, safety, accountability program would improve the ability to identify high risk carriers: reporOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Federal user fees: fee design characteristics and trade-offs illustrated by USCISs immigration and natualization fees: testimony before tOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Warfighter support: improvements to DODs urgent needs processes would enhance oversight and expedite efforts to meet critical warfighter nOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Tactical aircraft: DODs ability to meet future requirements is uncertain, with key analyses needed to inform upcoming investment decisionOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Afghanistan development: enhancements to performance management and evaluation efforts could improve USAIDs agricultural programs: report to CoOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Safe Drinking Water Act: improvements in implementation are needed to better assure the public of safe drinking water: testimony before the ComOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Decennial census: Census Bureau and Postal Service should pursue opportunities to further enhance collaboration: report to congressionalOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - National security: key challenges and solutions to strengthen interagency collaboration: testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight aOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Food and Drug Administration: better coordination could enhance efforts to address economic adulteration and protect the public health: report to coOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Intellectual property: agencies progress in implementation recent legislation, but enhancements could improve future plans: report to congresOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Federal Reserve System: opportunities exist to strengthen policies and processes for managing emergency assistance: testimony before the SubcoOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Space acquisitions: challenges in commercializing technologies developed under the Small Business Innovation Research Program: report to cOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Department of Homeland Security: progress made and work remaining in implementing Homeland Security missions 10 years after 9/11: testimony before theOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Nuclear waste: actions needed to address persistent concerns with efforts to close underground radioactive waste tanks at DOEs SavannOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Defense contracting: enhanced training could strengthen DODs best value tradeoff decisions: report to congressional committees.Office, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Recovery Act: FEMA could take steps to protect sensitive port security grant details and improve recipient reporting instructions: rOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Securities and Exchange Commission: information on Fair Fund collections and distributionsOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Next Generation Air Transportation System: FAA and NASA have improved human factors research coordination, but stronger leadership needed: report to tOffice, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Defense acquisitions: issues to be considered as DOD modernizes its fleet of tactical wheeled vehicles: report to congressional committees.Office, U. S. Government Accountability
Paperback - Consumer Product Safety Commission: action needed to strengthen identification of potentially unsafe products: report to congressional committees.Office, U. S. Government Accountability