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eMarketer Pro Open Access


We help companies maximize the value of an Open Access subscription by driving rapid adoption -- quickly. eMarketer PRO's robust onboarding program includes:

Onboarding and Launch
Our team works with yours to identify users, create a strategy for raising awareness internally and turning eMarketer PRO on as soon as possible.

Training and Support
We offer multiple levels of support, including group training sessions using GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar, and recorded demos that can be posted on your internal sites for access at any time. eMarketer PRO also offers dedicated account support that can be accessed during business hours.

Ongoing Education
To help you maximize your cost per user and the value to employees, eMarketer PRO provides notifications and materials to alert employees to new content, including report notification emails; custom email alerts on the topic, industry, and/or country of your choice; invitations to analyst webinars and breakfast events; product updates; marketing collateral and feedback surveys; and more, as needed.
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Product Details
Membership Term: 12 months
Format: Digital
Your Price  $159,720.00